Turisto vadovai
Daugumai turistų bus naudingi nemokami kišeniniai vadovai, kuriuos galima atsisiųsti iš šios svetainės, bet jei Jūs planuojate nukrypti nuo vietų, rekomenduojamų šioje svetainėje, verta įsigyti taip pat keletą kitų vadovų. Vienas pinigų taupymo patarimas viename iš šių vadovų dažnai gali atlyginti sumą, kurią už jį sumokėjote! Yra daug gerų variantų, geriausi išvardyti žemiau:
Lonely Planet
The Lonely Planet Guide to the Czech Republic, as well as the Guide to the Slovak Republics and Prague, are all excellent and feature lots of useful information and maps. They are all written by English researchers and are able to buy from most good bookstores, either online or offline.
Time Out Guide “Prague”
This is a good guide to all of the hotels and restaurants in Prague, as well as entertainment options. It is not as well written as Lonely Planet and is also more expensive; I’d only recommend it to people looking to socialise a lot when they visit the Czech Republic’s capital.
This is a guide more for older travellers and for people looking to live the high life. This is because there are not many money saving tips found in the pages of this guide – definitely not for those on a budget.
Michelin Guides
These green books are very small and therefore great for carrying around with you. They feature great maps and all important information, although they are written in a style that is not particularly entertaining. For a bit more of an in-depth read, try the blue guides instead.
Rough Guide to Prague
This is a really in-depth guide and perfect for those who want to know all about the city, not just where to stay and where to eat. You’ll find out all about the politics and history of the city, but there are also practical elements, such as some excellent maps.
The Eyewitness guides are huge, but actually don’t tell you too much information. This is because they are filled with loads and loads of photos and other graphics. Don’t bother buying one, but have a glimpse through one if you get the chance.