Noćni život

Kao i u većini evropskih gradova, i u Pragu je velika količina barova i klubova, koji žive živahan noćni život. Voditi spisak pojedinih klubova koji su „popularni“, je dosta teško, jer izgleda da odmah kada postanu „popularni“ te su dobro poznati, više nisu dobri za posjetu.
U informativnim časopisima koje možete uzeti u hotelima i smještajnim objektima, naći ćete popis akcija koje se održavaju, te mjesta sa najboljim noćnim životom u Pragu. Neka zanimljiva mjesta koja sigurno vrijede da ih posjetite, jer su dugoročno popularni, navodimo dolje. Barovi su otvoreni po cijeli dan, klubovi većinom od 23.00 sata ostaju otvoreni otprilike do 4.00 sata ujutro. Ako poželite nastaviti sa večernjom šetnjom i nakon ovog jutarnjeg sata, potražite nekoliko otvorenih klubova.
Duplex – Duplex is one of Prague’s most popular nightclubs with huge dance halls filled with local teenagers and even stag-party stragglers. It is a combination of nightclub, café and restaurant. During the day the 6th-floor terrace restaurant is a great place for coffee to enjoy the views. At night offers a view overlooking the lights of Wenceslas Square. Location: Wenceslas Square 21, New Town,
Mecca – very fashionable club, featuring industrial-chic club to dance to house and techno music. Location: Pruhonu 3, Holesovice,
Karlovy Lazne – another huge and very cool night club. Each floor has its own style, from chill out to hard core trance; live bands at ground level, dance to classic disco on first floor (Discotheque), rock to 1960s and 70s music on the second floor (Kaleidoskop), or house and techno on the third floor (Paradogs). Location: Novotneho lavka, Old Town (close to Charles Bridge),
RadostFX – this very famous club features top local and international DJs. Exquisite sofas, mosaic-topped tables … Café serving great veggie food and cheesecakes, a Moroccan lounge in the back for relaxation and downstairs dance club that only gets going after late hours. Locaton: Belehradska 120,Vinohrady (close to underground station IP Pavlova),
La Fabrique – disco with a couple of dance floors for people of all ages. Location: Uhelný trh 2, Old Town,
Roxy – If funk and techno is your favourite then Roxy is the best club in town. Arrive around midnight when the fun starts. Location: Dlouhá 33, metro Namesti Republiky,
Best Prague Pubs: U Pinkasu – first pub to serve world famous Czech beer Pislner Urquell, traditional Czech food (close to underground station Mustek)