Prague Introduction

Heart of Europe, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and an architectural dream on the Vltava river – this is Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. It is also an eternal inspiration for artists in thousands of paintings and reflections. Golden Prague is a city of hundred spires, a UNESCO site, a majestic and slightly mysterious city with a unique atmosphere.
What You Must See in the City of a Unique Atmosphere
Do not miss a visit to Prague Castle, the seat of Czech princes and kings. It is a vast complex of palaces, churches, courtyards and alleys of all stylistic periods, with the Gothic Cathedral of St Vitus in the forefront. Prague castle is, together with the historical centre of Prague, listed among the UNESCO monuments.
The Castle, the Cathedral, historic gardens and other areas can also be seen as a unique treasure and a gallery, illustrating the development of Czech history. You can see the Gallery (Obrazárna) and the St Vitus treasure, the exhibition of jewellery and liturgical objects in the chapel of St Cross (kaple svatého Kříže) in the second courtyard of the Castle. With children, get ready for the Story of Prague Castle in the Old Royal Palace in the third courtyard, then walk to the King’s garden to the Summerhouse of Queen Anne – and definitely do not forget the picturesque Golden Lane (Zlatá ulička) with tiny houses – one of the most romantic places in the Castle area.
What You Should Know About the History of Prague
If you want to get familiar with the most famous sights of Prague and a large part of the historic centre, walk along the Royal Route (Královská cesta), a route through which the coronation processions of Czech kings and queens passed to the coronation cathedral of St Vitus. Your guide may be, for example, His Majesty the Czech king and Roman emperor Charles IV, whose name you will encounter on a number of Prague churches and places of interest. Maybe he was born in the Stone Bell House (Dům u Kamenného zvonu) in Old Town Square. This house is used as an exhibition area of the Prague City Gallery. Then you have a few steps to the Old Town Hall with its famous astronomical clock, or, on the opposite side, to the Celetná street to the Prašná brána and the Municipal House (Obecní dům), where the Royal Route (Královská cesta) begins.
You can walk to the Charles Bridge through the maze of alleyways of the Old Town. Two towers complement the Charles Bridge; the Old Town tower is considered the most beautiful Gothic gate of Europe. You will also find Charles Bridge Museum on the Old Town side, only a short distance from the beginning of the bridge itself. On the opposite end of the bridge, you can meet the stairs to the small romantic island of Kampa or continue the Mostecká Street to the Malá Strana, where you’ll be amazed by the beauty of the baroque church of St Nicholas. Nerudova Street then leads you up to the terrace in front of Prague Castle, which opens up dazzling views of the city.
Travellers’ Pleasure and Great Experiences in Prague
The Prague unforgettable experiences include boat cruises on the Vltava River or a trip to the lookout tower on Petřín Hill, which resembles the Eiffel Tower of Paris; it is located near the mirror labyrinth. A number of Prague’s picturesque nooks can be discovered when wandering through the Jewish Quarter. To have a cup of coffee, go to the cafeteria of Slavia or to the only Cubist café in the world – Grand Café Orient in the House of the Black Madonna (dům U Černé Matky Boží) in Celetná street. Traditional Czech beer and a variety of speciality beers can be tasted in the restaurant U Fleků, where you can see the exhibition of the Brewery Museum. In Prague, you will discover the highest observation deck in the Czech Republic, located in the 216-metre-tall Žižkov Television Tower. It is a place with fantastic views over Prague and Central Bohemia, and moreover, there is a restaurant and one suite with a view, as a unique hotel with a single room.