Exciting River Races and Thrilling Boating Events

April: Opening and Cleaning of Rivers
The boating season kicks off every year with a special event known as the unlocking of the rivers. This marks the very first large-scale river rafting of the year. The regular activities include a weekend in mid-April with the unlocking of the Vltava, along with Sázavy with Samba rental and the Jizery. For those who are keen and competitive paddlers, the well-liked series of races called the Czech Paddlers’ Cup begins annually on the Otava River at the meeting point of the Otava and Vydra rivers, starting this year on April 5. Then, on Saturday, April 21, the Ottawa River will host the opening round of the Ottawa River race. The last weekend of June, on April 26, will see the Berounka river undergo cleaning, with the popular Sázava Samba Marathon taking place in Posázaví, and there will also be the unlocking of the Malše river.
May: Spring Wild Water and Dragon Boat Races
On Saturday, May 3, we will see the opening of the Ohře river, alongside an exciting event for paddlers from eastern Bohemia, known as the Lititz Arch, which involves races on the Wild Orlice—this time, it will genuinely embrace its wild nature! The water release is organized by the Association of Paddlers of the Czech Republic in cooperation with local paddling clubs primarily for the competitors’ needs, but from around 8:00 am to 12:00 pm, the flow will be increased so that non-competitors can also enjoy paddling down the Lititz Arch. On May 17, the Congress Sázava will be the next stop in the Czech Boatmen’s Cup. Meanwhile, from May 16 to 18, the Vltava River in Prague will host the Dragon Boat Festival, attracting many spectators. Saturday, May 24, is reserved for the traditional Boating Marathon on the Berounka River, which has been ongoing since 1978, covering an incredible distance of 58.3 kilometers.
Make sure to note the dates when you can enjoy whitewater rafting in Šumava National Park as well! Right now, you can take part in the rafting on the Vydra River—available from March 15 to May 31 (for canoes and kayaks only). This section runs from Modrava to Antýgl, and it’s only open on weekends. The section of the Vydra River available for paddling is 5 kilometers long with a difficulty level of WW III, and you can paddle it on Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm; there are no restrictions on the water level. The starting point is Modrava—specifically at the parking lot at the meeting point of the Modrava and Roklansky brooks—and the exit point is on the right bank at the Antýgl camp (currently out of service, under renovation) just before the footbridge. Until the end of May, you can also float the upper Teplá Vltava from Polka to Borová Lada. This floating opportunity is limited, and boats can sail on weekends from March 15 to May 31 between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm. In the section Lenora – Soumarský Most, you need to first check whether the Vltava River’s level exceeds 45 cm. If so, then you can proceed with paddling daily from May 1 to October 31 from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. The Otava River between the sections from Čeňkova Pila – Rejštejn allows for unlimited paddling from March 15 to October 31 from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm (for canoes and kayaks only).
June: The World Cup for Paddlers and World Champions in Water Slalom
As summer draws closer, the number of paddling events might decrease, but there are still plenty of exciting activities for all water enthusiasts. The Czech Watermen Cup (CPV) for amateur paddlers continues on June 7 at Warm, which flows through stunning locations, ultimately guiding paddlers to the heart of Karlovy Vary, accompanied by the Vřídlo geyser. To showcase their skills to the spa visitors, extra gates are usually constructed just below the colonnade for the paddlers’ enjoyment… Other attractions for spectators include the Prague’s Prime Ministers, which will take place from June 6 to June 8. This rowing race, held under Vyšehrad, has a rich history dating back to 1910! Shortly after that, Prague will host another fantastic event—the World Cup in Water Slalom, organized by the Czech Canoe Association from June 26 to June 29, 2025, in the slalom canal at Troja. The rest of the summer will again feature the Czech Canoe Cup (ČPV), specifically on June 14 on the Blanice River and June 22 on the Svratka River. In both scenarios, paddlers can expect favorable water conditions thanks to the release of water from the reservoirs.
July and August: A Relaxing Paddling Summer and the Adventurous Devil’s Streams
Summer weather can be unpredictable on our rivers. Some years, they experience drought, while in others, rain can dominate most of the summer holidays. To escape the monotony, check out our list of the most stunning stretches of both well-known and lesser-known rivers across the Czech Republic and Moravia, where water flows plentifully. Will you revisit the Sázava from Týnec to Pikovice, paddle the Vltava from Vyšší Brod to Boršov, or perhaps give the Bílina, Ohře, Morava, Bečva, Odra, or Mži a try?
Although we previously mentioned that summer may not offer much thrill, that’s not entirely accurate. One notable exception is the famous Devil’s Currents located between the Lipno I and Lipno II dams. During this event, set for August 22 to 24, 2025, the Vltava River Basin will release large volumes of water, creating a dramatic cascade in the typically dry, rocky riverbed of the dammed Vltava, resulting in thrilling rapids with a difficulty level of WW IV-V+, representing the highest difficulty level available in our country. This is why the European Championships and the European Cup Finals in extreme kayaking are held here. The international competition will feature disciplines such as slalom, sprint, kayak-cross, and team races. For highly skilled paddlers, there will be designated time slots outside the races to challenge these extreme rapids. Other enthusiasts of wild water activities are encouraged to come as spectators.
September: Autumn Series of the Czech Boatmen’s Cup
The warm summer will gradually transition into the lovely Indian summer and the early days of autumn in September. However, paddlers still have much to look forward to with numerous exciting events happening on the water. A notable race in the Pilsen region includes the upcoming event of the Czech Watermen’s Cup (ČPV) series, scheduled for September 6 at To the head. The same day also features the East Bohemian Boating Marathon, a long-distance canoeing race suitable for participants of all ages. The main race covers 60 kilometers from Týniště nad Orlicí to Pardubice, while the children’s marathon stretches 12 kilometers from Lukovna to Pardubice. The event also includes a traditional contest for the best bun. On Sunday, September 21, paddlers can participate in another CPV race on the nearby river Shooting. The race starts in Rabštejn nad Střeou, finishing at the former Kozičkov mill. Competitors can proceed to Mladotice, covering a distance of 17 kilometers, with the difficulty not exceeding WW I.
October: The Final Wild Water Season That Will Be Worth It!
As we get closer to the chill of autumn with falling leaves and the final paddling events of the season, prepare for an exhilarating experience! On Saturday, October 4, get ready for the last leg of the Czech Paddlers Cup, which is known to be one of the toughest races ever. We are talking about the renowned Hamerský brook in Czech Canada, which, due to the water release, will reveal its more challenging features with a difficulty level of III+. On Saturday morning, the entire section from Ratmírovo to Jindřiš will be open solely for ČPV competitors, and in the afternoon, a children’s race will take place on the lower section, allowing for swimming. The water flow will remain easier on Sunday.
Every year, one of South Bohemia’s biggest sporting events attracts hundreds of paddling enthusiasts, ranging from casual amateurs to international elite competitors, to Český Krumlov and its picturesque surroundings. At the Krumlov Boating Marathon, prepare for the event on October 11. The marathon always begins in Vyšší Brod or Rožmberk nad Vltavou, finishing in Český Krumlov, where participants will navigate through the famous Krumlov weirs before reaching the finishing line at the brewery embankment. Another traditional autumn event known as Laurel aka Výrovka takes place on the same day, October 11. This usually unremarkable stream between Kolín and Český Brod transforms into a fiercely demanding river by mid-October, where beginners struggle against the fast rapids, tricky hazards, and low footbridges of the overgrown stream. The most perilous section is the notorious Toušická cascade WW IV, where the excitement is assured each year. On the flip side, complete beginners can have a gentle farewell to the water at the locking of the Opatovice Canal on October 18, 2025. The local waterman Čochtan will also be in attendance for a relaxing swim from Lázně Bohdaneč to Semín, which is about 15 kilometers long.
Water Activities & Races Calendar — Czech Republic 2025
Experience the best of Czech paddling with a full season of river openings, clean‑ups, wild‑water races, marathons, and historic rowing events. Below is an overview of key dates, locations, and event highlights.
Date | Event | Location | Type & Difficulty | Highlights |
March (weekends) | Vydra River Authorized Section | Vydra (Šumava) | WW III | 5 km stretch open for paddlers |
Mid‑March–Oct 31 | Otava River Season | Otava | Leisure (canoe/kayak) | Unlimited paddling, 8 AM–8 PM daily |
April (early) | Spring River Opening & Cleanup | Nationwide rivers | Recreational | Environmental cleanup + paddling activities |
May (early) | Ohře River Opening | Ohře | Recreational | Official start of boating season |
May (mid) | Wild Water Races | Divoká Orlice | WW II–III | Regional open races |
May (mid) | Czech Paddlers’ Cup | Sázava | Competitive | Open‑format racing series |
May (late) | Paddlers’ Marathon | Berounka | Distance race | Long‑distance endurance event |
June | Czech Watermen’s Cup | Various rivers | Competitive | Nationwide open races |
July–Aug | Devil’s Currents Competition | Lipno Dam | WW IV–V+ | High‑adrenaline rapid racing |
October | Vyšší Brod–Český Krumlov Race | Vltava | Competitive | Scenic long‑route race with challenging weirs |
Date TBD | Prague Primátorky | Prague (Vyšehrad) | Historic rowing regatta | Established in 1910; iconic rowing tradition |