
7 Surprising Facts You Didn’t Know About the Vernal Equinox

1. What is the equinox and when does spring actually begin?

The idea that during the vernal equinox, day and night are equal in length is approximately correct. It doesn’t occur at the precise second, but the difference is typically just a few minutes. This is also the time when the sun rises directly in the east and sets directly in the west. At this moment, the sun crosses the equator and starts its northward journey towards the Northern Hemisphere. By June 21, the sun will reach its farthest point from the equator, marking the end of astronomical spring. This day is known as the summer solstice, which features the shortest night and the longest day of the year—where the daylight is actually twice as long as the night. After June 21, the nights will gradually become longer again, leading to the autumnal equinox and eventually the winter solstice, when we experience the longest night and the shortest day of the year.

Spring doesn’t start at the same time every year. The exact beginning of astronomical spring is marked by when the center of the solar disk crosses the celestial equator. Most of the time, the date for the vernal equinox is considered to be March 20. In earlier years, it often fell on March 21, but the last time this occurred in the 21st century was in 2011. The date of March 21 won’t return as the beginning of spring until 2102.

2. Cheerful Sunshine

Who wouldn’t be excited about spring, with its warm sunshine that chases away the long winter blues? The arrival of the spring equinox signals longer days and sunlight that nourishes both Nature and us with its rich, life-giving energy.

Earth is waking up and inviting us to join in its vibrancy. Make the most of this time, even if spring is still a few days or weeks away. By late March, the sun feels a bit more toothy, or as some say, is gnashing its teeth.

3. Farewell to winter, hello spring

The start of spring and the vernal equinox often come with several days filled with festive ceremonies, traditions that we still practice today. A thorough cleaning of our homes and gardens used to be a vital part of these rituals. Our ancestors bid farewell to winter by symbolically bringing out Grim Reapers, representing Winter or Morning Star, and then welcoming summer, complete with its bows decorated with budding branches, into their tidy homes.

An important ceremony involved a ritual spring cleansing, where people would be gently whipped with green twigs and washed with fresh spring water. This was followed by scarifying fields to safeguard emerging seeds for better future harvests, along with the ceremonial reopening of wells. Traditional celebratory foods played a fundamental role in spring festivals: festive pastries made from high-quality flour, eggs, ricotta cheese, butter, honey, and vibrant spring herbs symbolizing the arrival of new spring energies. Our suggestion? Why not try a unique cabbage soup, or stick to traditional Easter treats?

4. Equinox and sayings

Proverbs are derived from the Latin word prognosis, meaning forecast. Some proverbs hold true while others do not, but many are repeated year after year with surprising accuracy, especially since our ancestors didn’t have reliable meteorological predictions. Some of the most memorable sayings are in the form of rhymes, like “On St. Gregory’s Day, the storks fly over the sea.” St. Gregory’s Day falls on March 12, marking when storks begin to migrate back from Africa after their winter stay. Another saying, “If March removes its coat, April will want it back,” serves as a reminder not to celebrate an early spring too soon, as March warmth often doesn’t last long.

5. Equinox and the Kounov Stone Rows

The Kounov stone rows are known as one of the most enigmatic locations in the Czech Republic and are considered the most significant megalithic monument in Central Europe. In a seemingly ordinary forest within the western foothills of the Džbánská vrchovina (Djbánská Highlands) in Rakovník, some individuals seek mystery and mystical vibes, while others use this spot for meditation or as a pleasant destination for a spring stroll.

On a plateau, partially covered by trees, one can find rows of rocks of varying sizes composed of quartzite boulders. These rows aren’t equal in length; some measure about two hundred meters, while others stretch nearly four hundred. They almost run parallel, extending from north to south, and their true purpose remains undeciphered, despite various theories with no universal consensus. Some of the most imaginative ideas suggest the stones are a megalithic energy source for a nearby hillfort, a navigation tool for UFOs, or possibly outlines of ancient Celtic racetrack paths. More reasonable hypotheses propose the rows as markings for fields, a prehistoric calendar for early farmers, or a sacred area sown with stones instead of crops. What we do know is that these stones were shaped by human hands, although we still seek to understand whose hands and what their reasons were for constructing the rows. Many people also explore the Kounov stone rows for solar significance, with numerous interpretations linking them to the positions of the sun and moon during equinoxes and solstices. Guides are available to help decode what these stone rows reveal, while informative panels provide additional context onsite.

6. Charles Bridge and the Solstice Line

A fascinating legend surrounds the Charles Bridge in Prague, which, like most magnificent structures from the High Middle Ages (and being a creation of an emperor who often consulted astrologers), holds significance in its orientation toward the equinox and solstice lines. However, despite the numerous stories shared in the media, the most fascinating celestial event related to the Charles Bridge is not about the equinox but is specifically tied to June 21, the summer solstice: if you stand at the Old Town Bridge Towers gates in the early evening of this day, the sun’s rays will first shine through the great southern tower of St. Vitus Cathedral at Prague Castle (the resting place of St. Wenceslas), then through the eastern tower (where the relics of St. Vojtěch rest), finally illuminating the spot where the relics of St. Vitus are housed.

7. The Light Beam Through Sedlec Cathedral

equinox in the cathedralThe master of Baroque Gothic, Jan Blažej Santini, created a stunning display of sunlight during the equinoxes at the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Kutná Hora – Sedlec. The light within the cathedral is captivating at all times, but only on two occasions each year—during the spring and autumn equinoxes— can the public witness an incredible spectacle. This is a symbolic moment when sunbeams enter through the fourteen-meter west window and gradually illuminate the high altar, creating a mesmerizing experience. The first event took place in 2011, and this year’s spectacle will unfold on March 20 at 4:30 p.m., where the sunbeams will again play out against a backdrop of organ music, singing, and recitations as they travel through the Cathedral. The circumstances of our lives can often remind us of our vulnerability and existence; yet there remains Hope: despite our indifference, resistance, or disappointments, the sun will keep shining, ensuring that light prevails over darkness, day over night, and life over death. And honestly, that’s more than enough to hope for.

Date & Astronomical Significance

  • When: 10:01 a.m., Thursday, March 20, 2025

  • What It Means: Marks the moment day and night are equal in length and signals the start of astronomical spring.

Concurrent Observances

  • World Happiness Day (March 20)

  • World Sparrow Day (March 20)

Traditional Celebrations & Rituals

  • Spring Cleaning: Thorough home cleansing to welcome renewal.

  • Symbolic Farewells to Winter: Rituals such as “bringing out the Grim Reaper.”

  • Seasonal Sayings & Superstitions:

    • “On St Gregory’s Day, the storks fly over the sea.”

    • “If March has taken off its coat, April would like to take it back.”

The Kounov Stone Rows

  • Location: Forested area in the Czech Republic

  • Description: An important megalithic site featuring rows of quartz boulders of varying sizes

  • Mystery: Considered the most enigmatic archaeological landmark in the country, with origins and purpose still debated

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